2017 – A year in review

We’re had a wonderful year and couldn’t have asked for more. We released our CD to a packed and receptive house at the Burdock:

[tubepress googleApiKey=”AIzaSyCD5jMYHgnKPWdx_1HVnPF2ep16cGJndR0″]

Small Pieces reached the #1 spot twice, for National International album on the National earshot radio charts (weeks ending: 07/04/2017 and 07/18/2017). We heard back and got a bunch of amazing reviews:


The Rakkatak trio made it out to Robson:


We couldn’t have done it without the generous support of the Ontario Arts Council who funded the recording of our CD as well as the Canada Council who helped us make it out to Robson and Mundial Montreal. Many thanks and we’re looking forward to making more music in 2018.



Posted in Rakkatak
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